Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Checking Out a Salamander


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Atop the Remains of the "Lincoln Tree"

Tree surgeons this morning cut down the "Lincoln Tree" in our neighbor's backyard. Apparently carpenter ants had eaten the core of the tree. In her book Search for the Invisible Helen Reid described the "large and stately oak" as follows: "During the Civil War...When federal troops took over the Seminary and used it for a hospital, they cut down many trees to use for firewood and other purposes. ...President Lincoln, on a visit, noticed the handsome oak and asked that it be spared for future generations to admire" (p. 71).

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Prince Balloon and Tiger Face

We had great fun at the Small Church festival on Saturday!

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