Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

FCC Culture Day

Last weekend we enjoyed Chinese Culture Day with our Families with Children from China group. Of course, we'll enjoy the event much more this time next year when we actually have our baby!

There were some martial arts experts who seemed to defy gravity:

And, of course, there were dragons--oops, they may be lions!

This particular dragon (lion) could stand up so tall he could practically touch the sky...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today I came home from work and Steve was giddy with laughter and tension because the Homeland security lost our check for our fingerprint renewals. He had to re-create all the documents and did so cheerfully, but it did not give us confidence in Homeland Security. I hope they will do some thing nice like not take our fee for the huge ordeal they caused. Steve gave 101% effort. Dinner was delayed of traditional lasagna and assorted mushrooms, peppers and summer squash in garlic oil. It is hard being at home during the day and since Steve is on Sabbatical he was bombarded on every side...fixing his lap top with Dell computers, having the lawn groomed where a huge shade tree dropped in a microburst in July and asking Uwaldo to plant grass. The grass is always greener on the other side of referrals, travel acceptance, having a child or children. Today was an exhausting day. Out on a walk we saw three racoons quickly prance by us. Sometimes life can be super frustrating, like when you try to log onto Resolve and your password does not work and you already paid the fee for a year and they want more money to renew when you never obtained your money's worth in the first place. Sometimes life is ironic and just plain funny.