Baby Basics Class at Barker

Today (Saturday), we went to "Baby Basics" Class for the day.
There were two other couples and one single adoptive mom,
all of whom were very nice. It was presented by a mom of
two children from Korea and by a nurse. We practiced changing
a diaper and many other skills like swaddling --its like making a burrito!
One couple said they found a "Pack and Play" for $25 at a
store called "Twice Upon a Child / Star." The WebSite may be:
One book they recommended for friends and families of the
future parents is entitled, Adoption is a Family Affair
Perhaps we'll give it a read.

Today (Saturday), we went to "Baby Basics" Class for the day.
There were two other couples and one single adoptive mom,
all of whom were very nice. It was presented by a mom of
two children from Korea and by a nurse. We practiced changing
a diaper and many other skills like swaddling --its like making a burrito!
One couple said they found a "Pack and Play" for $25 at a
store called "Twice Upon a Child / Star." The WebSite may be:
One book they recommended for friends and families of the
future parents is entitled, Adoption is a Family Affair
Perhaps we'll give it a read.