CCAA doubles processing speed to 2 wks/month!
Good news: CCAA anounced today that this month it has finished matchings for those logged in between 6/16/2005 and 6/28/2005, that's 2 weeks worth of applications. Apparently, they are picking up speed again.
Posting from VickiDunn24:
Hi everyone! Ditto the thanks to Leslie for starting the group. Our family includes me, Vicki, husband John and son Danny age 7. We live in Clarksburg MD, northern Mont. Co. at the moment. I think we know most of you or at least have met online. The 3 of us are planning to travel together to China when our time comes. Today we are euphoric b/c the CCAA updated their website to include our travel group, DTC 6/27/05! Colleen reports we will likely hear about the referrals Monday or Tuesday. Once the dust settles, we will be sure to send word to the group about our little addition ;) And we will be picking the brains of those who have been there, especially with kids. Cheers,Vicki, John, and Danny