Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Love This Turtle!


Rebecca loved riding this toy turtle around inside the Lakehouse at Fitzwilliam!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Tomatoes in the Refectory


Rebecca was fascinated with the cherry tomatoes at lunch today. Susan S. happened to have her camera handy, and took this picture.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Boat Trip on Rockwood Pond

Boat Trip

Rebecca loved the front of the boat as we circled the lake. Unfortunately, a little rain storm whipped up, and we had to head back to shore. Despite the excursion being cut short, a good time was had by all...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Enjoying the Beach in New Hampshire

We're back from our little vacation at the summer cottage in Fitzwilliam, NH, and we've got hundreds of photographs. I guess we'd better start posting some of them!

The Private Beach on Rockwood Pond

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Visit from the Ziskinds

Here's a group photo with our good friends, Mike & Ingrid Ziskind and two of their children, Benjamin and Rachel. It was wonderful to have them stay over with us on this recent visit (June 30th).