Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rumor Queen Costume

This is something of an inside joke, but this photo is worth posting. The Rumor Queen is the main blog clearing-house for trying to discern what the CCAA is doing from month to month with all our applications. Apparently there was a costume party at one of the US adoption agencies a day or two ago, and one staff member dressed up as the Rumor Queen herself! She is second from the right in the upper row, with her gold crown and royal-blue cape.


After days and days of frustration and confusion through late October, CCAA updated while we slept last night. The results are better than expected:
The CCAA has finished the placement of children for the families whose adoption application documents were registered with our office before August 25, 2005.
CCAA made it through 16 days of applications this time. Our LID is September 12, 2005, so we are 18 days of applications out from where they are now. A referral at either Thanksgiving or Christmas remains a real possibility for us.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Painfully Aware

Update on where things stand: As everyone is painfully aware, referral times continue to escalate. This is a trend we have seen in the past, and then eventually falling when some families choose to look at other countries rather than China. The powers that be say they can pathetically never predict how much the waiting time will grow, nor can we predict when (or if) things may begin accelerate again. The CCAA typically makes referrals once a month, usually around the 20th or so. But it is now Nov. 1st and no referrals as yet. CCAA will then do as many referrals as they have approved child files - some months that's been 7 days worth of log-in dates, and others it's been as much as 13. A year or so ago a month worth of dossiers would get referrals, but clearly the number of applicants out number the number of children available.
The wait is difficult, waiting without a firm end-date in sight. Families who has completed their family tell us - once you meet your child, the waiting time melts away, and it becomes clear why you were waiting. We are waiting for the right child to be joined to our family. That said, it doesn't make the time pass, or the news that our group didn't make it to the referral point that month as you check the CCAA website. The website is stuck in a limbo that has puzzled even the rumor queen and lead to wild spectulations which bring some amusement. Steve and I try to find other things to occupy our time - and seek encouragement and support from other families in the process. We joined a group comprised of both waiting families, and families who have already traveled to China to bring their children home. These families certainly know what we are all going through, and will be happy to listen! This upcoming Saturday we will go to the see the Investituture of the first woman presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church at Washington National Cathedral as a diversion.
We redid our fingerprints, homestudy, and have spent a small fortune, enough to own a small country, and still a Halloween without a kiddy woe are us! CIS never sent us an amended approval form, showing the new expiration date for the updated prints.
We are in touch with our travel buddies...but do not know when we would/might travel. We started getting to know folks we'll be spending 2 weeks with in China.
In sum, I would just like to vent my frustrations with a spa experince before I explode. It is a good thing I am doing yoga because relaxation and stress relief are manadatory for me these days. I even have begun running which is for me even more radical and have lost 10 lbs.