Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rebecca's Art

This was Rebecca's entry in the preschool art show this year. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Silas, Rebecca, and Sophie

Leigh Hall took these shots of the three close friends in the Butterfly House playground. They are in the little plastic house and kitchen center.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Enjoying a Spring Evening

Friday evening a bunch of seminary kids were running around after an icecream party. Gary Taylor happened to have his camera, and sent along these two shots of Rebecca:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hoedown at Burke Lake Park

This weekend we went again to the annual International Adoption Center picnic at Burke Lake Park. It was a western cowboy theme: A Hoedown! Here are a few photos of Rebecca posing as a cowboy and as a cowgirl (she insisted on doing both, and Dr. Mason was kind enough to oblige):

Here is Rebecca at the same picnic two years ago, Saturday, May 19, 2007, just two months after she first came home from China:

Becca in May of 2007, at the International Adoption Center picnic