Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Great Wall of China

It was a rainy and foggy Saturday to visit the Great Wall of China, but visit we did, and climb we did... That's a lot of steps straight up! Catherine made it full up to the second tower from the bottom. Steve made it up four towers! The towers were spaced by the builders about two arrow shots apart to leave no part of the carriageway unprotected. The Great Wall itself was created after the unification of China under Qin Shi Huangdi (221-120 BCE).


  • At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like you're having a great trip and seeing the sights. My parents were impressed you went so far up the stairs. They said it's pretty challenging. Your trip sounds fun, and I'm enjoying your posts.
    Love, Jim


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